Rod Corporate Services

As the global experts in management and administration services for international enterprises, no matter the size of your business, we always take a tailored approach and have a long-term perspective on our relationships. As our corporate services client, you’ll have the support of a dedicated team of highly skilled and experienced professionals.


Effortless Expansion

Launching in foreign markets can be challenging. Sitting in the heart of europe, our local, expert knowledge combined with our international business acumen allows us to deliver a compelling proposition – all of which will keep you a step ahead. Rod corporate can be your partner who understands your needs and can navigate the complexity of ever-changing rules and regulations wherever you wish to do business around the world.

Sectorial Solutions

Managing your group’s overseas entities and the network of third-party agents supporting the subsidiaries as well as making sure that all local filings are made accurately, and on time can be a daunting task. There’s where we come in. Our rod corporate team can help coordinate your corporate secretarial services and third-party services through a single point of contact. We offer you peace of mind, so you can focus on your core business.

Market Research For Asset Sales

Disinvestment needs to be done responsibly, with ample knowledge of the business background, market, and industry trends. At rod corporate, we have a terrific team of experienced professionals who strive to bring you the best custom deals on your assets, owing to our capabilities for market research and understanding your corporate assets.

Financial Accounting And Reporting Services

Any asset-heavy industry that brings yield and grows well is entailed with arduous tasks of managing comprehensive finances. This accounting needs extreme attention to detail, lengthy calculations, accurate billings, and a clipped financial close. We not only offer all of these services within a short period and best quality but also monitor your finances closely for optimizing your accounting.

Acquisitive Approach

Our partners at rod m&a and rod pe hold expertise in the dealings of mergers and acquisitions garnered by deep experience and backed by an excellent team. From asset identification and due diligence to working out first-rate agreements, we handle all m&a matters with speed and mastery. We also provide further services such as repositioning the future business, rebranding the merger or the acquisition, and analyzing the finances and dispositions for the betterment of your business.

Regulation And Compliance Advisory

The catchup game with the increasing regulatory demands, compliance regulations, and reporting deadlines globally could cost you time and resources that you could utilize on other rather productive activities. Our team at rod corporate keeps abreast of the ever-changing compliance landscape globally to ensure you meet your obligations under the legislation the business is operating in, willing to expand to or get out of.

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Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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